As we continue to add new content to the game, there are times when people simply don't realize what is available in-game yet. We talk about what we want Voidspace to be when it's finished, but what is available right now? Lets go over some of them.
We call this combat mode and it can be quite useful for combat, but also just making sure your ship is pointing where you want it to. This will immediately pull you out of "rotation mode" which is the default mode for the game when you first start. If you want to go back to rotation mode, just use the button at the very top that looks like a ship with 2 rounded arrows beside the Options button.
This obviously is a bit of a double-edged sword. One one hand it can be very handy for finding people, on the other hand the people you find might not be the people you want hanging around. These mighty pings come from your suit, which is from the Old World and therefore somewhat magical in it's engineering prowess. It can blast pings up to 50 "cells" away (by cells we mean the circles you see in your map view that shows the areas you've discovered). 50 cells just happens to be just over 18 kilometers away, so it's quite a strong pulse. Keep in mind that this pulse will only show up on the maps of people who were within range when you sent the signal; if someone later comes in range, they will not see it.
The code around player organizations is still in it's infancy but you can start playing with people right now. Use the "social" button at the top of the screen (icon looks like people) to access the window for creating new player organizations or joining existing ones. For now you will need to start a new character to do so, however very soon we will support respawning into a player organization.
Using the "currency manager" window, which is one of the buttons beside the Options button, you can specify ANY item that is stackable as a currency. The amount of that currency you have access to will then be displayed at the top of the window. You can specify a few currencies as well.
Here are some examples of how this might be used. You could put your own ship in the action bar for easy access. You could put the fluid tank that is installed in a fluid collector there so you can keep track of how much fluid has been collected.
You can actually run the same character on your Android phone while also playing on your desktop at the same time, seamlessly. Want to run multiple characters at once? You can! If you're not doing any combat (just management tasks) you could actually fire up the game in multiple tabs on desktop and run as many as your computer can handle.
This has been pretty painful from a PR perspective because platforms that display the game as "free" confuse people (and rightly so). There is just no comfortable way of doing this kind of thing on the various platforms (Steam, Playstore, Apple App Store..etc) I assume because they want their cut. Well, we're doing it anyway! Download the game for free on any platform you want, pay once and play anywhere.